Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Institute graduation and end of year celebration

Somehow I failed to post this event which took place many months ago.  But I want it in my story, so better late than never, right? Please bear with me!

Our Institute students in Dornbirn worked hard all year, so we wanted to reward them with a fun evening for the last class before Summer break.  Also, they all passed the test to pass the course, so Daniel Burri, from the church in Zurich, came to present awards to them.  He had to travel 2 hours each way, so we really appreciated his sacrifice.  He is a terrific man and also taught a great lesson to all of us that evening.  Our teacher, Gerda Stubbe, presented each student with a card and candy.  She gave us a lovely book on Germany.  She is extremely thoughtful.

We thought it would be fun to have an American barbecue.  Gerda had a small barbecue, so we held the event in her yard.  Bob was our Grillmeister, which was a challenge because the grill was only 2 feet high and all they had to turn the burgers was a pie server.  But he did a great job! (Except for the slices of pineapple that fell through the grill :) )  We served hamburgers (with all the toppings), tortilla chips and salsa, watermelon, grapes and soda.  Gerda made a big tossed green salad.  We grilled pineapple as well.  I think they all loved it!  Except for the chips and salsa.  They didn't quite get that.  This is something foreign to them.  They thought the salsa was a salad.  Even though I explained, most of the chips were left at the end of the evening. We had planned to have water balloon volleyball and badminton but there just wasn't time.  It threatened rain, but we were blessed that the rain didn't come till later.  We had 3 Young Single Adult age people come who hadn't taken the course, so that made it more fun.  One is not a member of the church and we really hope she will come again.

It's been a very special experience for us to become acquainted with all these outstanding YSA.  We are proud of them for their faithfulness and diligence.  They are a wonderful example for us.  It is challenging to be a young member of the church here.   One of our students just joined the church last fall.  His girlfriend, who is in our class, introduced him to the church.  She left in July on a mission to Canada.  Another of our students left on a mission to Spain in September.

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